Microarchitecture Security 研究方向(中文向)


Posted by luobobo on December 25, 2024

Update 2024.12.27: 很遗憾地宣布这篇blog的更新到此为止了:) However, all questions are always welcome.


声明:我的研究方向主要在x86上的side-channels attacks & architectural attacks,如果对其他方向 (ARM/Rowhammer/GPU/ML-Based/…),其他会议/期刊(非四大安全会/期刊/体系结构会议如MICRO/ISCA/HPCA/…) 的papers有忽略,欢迎提醒/指正/补充。Just drop me a mail (ruiyi.zhang [AT] cispa.de) or open an issue. 感谢.


Opinions (and lack of them) are my own :)




侧信道(side channels) -> 瞬态执行攻击(Transient Execution Attacks) -> 架构安全(Architectural Security)


可信执行环境(Trusted Execution Environment - TEE), 加密算法(Cryptography)


TEE (Attacker可以是privileged的hypervisor) <- side channels / transient execution attacks 需要普通用户的执行权限 -> Microarchitectural Attacks from browser (需要的权限最少)





[14 USENIX] FLUSH+RELOAD: a High Resolution, Low Noise, L3 Cache Side-Channel Attack

[15 S&P] Prime+Probe: Last-Level Cache Side-Channel Attacks are Practical

[16 DIMVA] Flush+Flush: A Fast and Stealthy Cache Attack

[21 CCS] Prime+Scope: Overcoming the Observer Effect for High-Precision Cache Contention Attacks

[22 S&P] Adversarial Prefetch: New Cross-Core Cache Side Channel Attacks

[22 USENIX] HyperDegrade: From GHz to MHz Effective CPU Frequencies


[21 ISCA] I See Dead μops: Leaking Secrets via Intel/AMD Micro-Op Caches



[17 USENIX] Prime+Abort: A Timer-Free High-Precision L3 Cache Attack using Intel TSX

Software Prefetcher

[22 USENIX] AMD Prefetch Attacks through Power and Time


[23 USENIX] (M)WAIT for It: Bridging the Gap between Microarchitectural and Architectural Side Channels



[19 S&P] Attack Directories, Not Caches:Side-Channel Attacks in a Non-Inclusive World


[21 USENIX] Lord of the Ring(s): Side Channel Attacks on the CPU On-Chip Ring Interconnect Are Practical


[22 USENIX] Binoculars: Contention-Based Side-Channel Attacks Exploiting the Page Walker

[22 USENIX] TLB;DR: Enhancing TLB-based Attacks with TLB Desynchronized Reverse Engineering


[22 USENIX] SecSMT: Securing SMT Processors against Contention-Based Covert Channels


[22 USENIX] Don’t Mesh Around: Side-Channel Attacks and Mitigations on Mesh Interconnects


[23 USENIX] BunnyHop: Exploiting the Instruction Prefetcher

Execution Port

[22 ESORICS] CPU Port Contention Without SMT


[24 USENIX] Indirector: High-Precision Branch Target Injection Attacks Exploiting the Indirect Branch Predictor

[23 S&P] Half&Half: Demystifying Intel’s Directional Branch Predictors for Fast, Secure Partitioned Execution

[24 HPCA] Uncovering and Exploiting AMD Speculative Memory Access Predictors for Fun and Profit

Linux Kernel

[22 NDSS] Remote Memory-Deduplication Attacks

[23 S&P] SQUIP: Exploiting the Scheduler Queue Contention Side Channel

Power / Hertz

[21 S&P] Platypus: Software-based Power Side-Channel Attacks on x86

[22 USENIX] Hertzbleed: Turning Power Side-Channel Attacks Into Remote Timing Attacks on x86

[23 S&P] DVFS frequently leaks secrets: Hertzbleed attacks beyond SIKE, cryptography, and CPU-only data

其他架构 RISC-V / ARM

[23 S&P] A Security RISC: Microarchitectural Attacks on Hardware RISC-V CPUs

[23 USENIX] Synchronization Storage Channels (S2C): Timer-less Cache Side-Channel Attacks on the Apple M1 via Hardware Synchronization Instructions

Fuzzing side-channels

[20 NDSS] ABSynthe: Automatic Blackbox Side-channel Synthesis on Commodity Microarchitectures

[21 USENIX] Osiris: Automated Discovery of Microarchitectural Side Channels

Hardware Fuzzers

[23 Usenix] HyPFuzz: Formal-Assisted Processor Fuzzing

[23 USENIX] MorFuzz: Fuzzing Processor via Runtime Instruction Morphing enhanced Synchronizable Co-simulation

[24 USENIX] Cascade: CPU Fuzzing via Intricate Program Generation

[24 Usenix] WhisperFuzz: White-Box Fuzzing for Detecting and Locating Timing Vulnerabilities in Processors

Leak Data (但不是transient-execution)

[22 S&P] Augury: Using Data Memory-Dependent Prefetchers to Leak Data at Rest

[23 USENIX] Collide+Power: Leaking Inaccessible Data with Software-based Power Side Channels

Transient Execution Attacks:

侧信道作为TEA的building block,直接leak data

[19 S&P] Meltdown: Reading Kernel Memory from User Space

[18 USENIX] Spectre Attacks: Exploiting Speculative Execution

Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS)

跟Meltdown / Spectre 相比,MDS Attacks leak的是in-flight data (就是这个data正在被其他user/hyperthreading使用,存在某一个element里,如line-fill buffer / load buffer / store buffer…)

[18 USENIX] FORESHADOW: Extracting the Keys to the Intel SGX Kingdom with Transient Out-of-Order Execution

[19 S&P] RIDL: Rogue In-Flight Data Load

[19 CCS] Fallout: Leaking Data on Meltdown-resistant CPUs

[19 CCS] ZombieLoad: Cross-Privilege-Boundary Data Sampling

[19 USENIX] A Systematic Evaluation of Transient Execution Attacks and Defenses

[20 S&P] LVI: Hijacking Transient Execution through Microarchitectural Load Value Injection 他们的预告片很有趣

[21 USENIX] Rage Against the Machine Clear: A Systematic Analysis of Machine Clears and Their Implications for Transient Execution Attacks


[23 USENIX] Downfall: Exploiting Speculative Data Gathering


More Spectre..


绕过Spectre Mitigation

[20 CCS] Speculative Probing: Hacking Blind in the Spectre Era

[21 CCS] Exorcising Spectres with Secure Compilers

[22 USENIX] Branch History Injection: On the Effectiveness of Hardware Mitigations Against Cross-Privilege Spectre-v2 Attacks

[22 USENIX] Retbleed: Arbitrary Speculative Code Execution with Return Instructions

[23 USENIX] Breaking and Fixing Speculative Load Hardening

[23 USENIX] Inception: Exposing New Attack Surfaces with Training in Transient Execution

[24 USENIX] GhostRace: Exploiting and Mitigating Speculative Race Conditions

找Spectre Gadgets

[21 NDSS] SpecTaint: Speculative Taint Analysis for Discovering Spectre Gadgets

[22 NDSS] Kasper: Scanning for Generalized Transient Execution Gadgets in the Linux Kernel

[24 USENIX] InSpectre Gadget: Inspecting the Residual Attack Surface of Cross-privilege Spectre v2

Architectual Vulnerability:


[22 USENIX] ÆPIC Leak: Architecturally Leaking Uninitialized Data from the Microarchitecture

Zenbleed & Reptar by GPZ的Tavis Ormandy

[24 USENIX] CacheWarp: Software-based Fault Injection using Selective State Reset

Fault Attacks

[19 CCS / 20 Asian HOST] VoltJockey: Breaching TrustZone by Software-Controlled Voltage Manipulation over Multi-core Frequencies

[20 S&P] Plundervolt: Software-based Fault Injection Attacks against Intel SGX

[20 USENIX] V0LTpwn: Attacking x86 Processor Integrity from Software


TEE是芯片厂商设计的一种安全功能。 与加密算法一样,是Side Channels常见的攻击对象。此外,TEE的threadt model允许attacker具有priviledge权限,所以有一些新的攻击面。


对于Intel SGX,推荐阅读SGX-STEP作者Dr. Jo Van Bulck的PhD Thesis - Microarchitectural Side-Channel Attacks for Privileged Software Adversaries

对于AMD SEV,推荐阅读Dr. Mengyuan Li的PhD Thesis - Understanding and Exploiting Design Flaws of AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization

我对ARM TEE并不熟悉,但SUSTech 张锋巍老师的组好像有不少相关工作


To mitigate side-channels attacks, many cryptographic libraries have to implement a constant-time version.

[23 CCS] A Systematic Evaluation of Automated Tools for Side-Channel Vulnerabilities Detection in Cryptographic Libraries

[24 USENIX] GoFetch: Breaking Constant-Time Cryptographic Implementations Using Data Memory-Dependent Prefetchers


[20 NDSS] ConTExT: A Generic Approach for Mitigating Spectre

[21 USENIX]ScatterCache: Thwarting Cache Attacks via Cache Set Randomization

还有一些用PMC/Power Consumption来检测攻击的paper

Formal Methods

Prof. JAN REINEKEProf. Marco Guarnieri做了不少这个方向的工作。

[20 S&P] SPECTECTOR: Principled Detection of Speculative Information Flows

[21 S&P] Hardware-Software Contracts for Secure Speculation

[22 CCS] Automatic Detection of Speculative Execution Combinations

[23 S&P] Hide and Seek with Spectres: Efficient discovery of speculative information leaks with random testing

[23 CCS] Specification and Verification of Side-channel Security for Open-source Processors via Leakage Contracts

Attack from browser

[19 NDSS] JavaScript Template Attacks: Automatically Inferring Host Information for Targeted Exploits

[18 NDSS] JavaScript Zero: Real JavaScript and Zero Side-Channel Attacks

[17 ESORICS] Practical Keystroke Timing Attacks in Sandboxed JavaScript

[17 FC] Fantastic Timers and Where to Find Them: High-Resolution Microarchitectural Attacks in JavaScript

[16 DIMVA] Rowhammer.js: A Remote Software-Induced Fault Attack in JavaScript

[15 ESORICS] Practical Memory Deduplication Attacks in Sandboxed Javascript



[16 USENIX] DRAMA: Exploiting DRAM Addressing for Cross-CPU Attacks



[14 ISCA] Flipping Bits in Memory Without Accessing Them: An Experimental Study of DRAM Disturbance Errors

[16 CCS] Drammer: Deterministic Rowhammer Attacks on Mobile Platforms

[16 USENIX] Flip Feng Shui: Hammering a Needle in the Software Stack

[18 S&P] Another Flip in the Wall of Rowhammer Defenses

19 RowHammer: A Retrospective

[20 S&P] TRRespass: Exploiting the Many Sides of Target Row Refresh

[21 USENIX] SMASH: Synchronized Many-sided Rowhammer Attacks From JavaScript

[22 S&P] BLACKSMITH: Scalable Rowhammering in the Frequency Domain

[24 USENIX] ZenHammer: Rowhammer Attacks on AMD Zen-based Platforms




在过去十年间,越来越多的测信道(side channel)攻击被研究人员发现。在2017年Meltdown和Spectre的出现之后,Microarchitecture安全这一领域在工业界和学术界都受到了更广泛的关注。新的防御措施和攻击变种交替更迭,硬件上频频更新的优化策略又会带来哪些安全问题?只要各家芯片厂商的官方文档一天不完全公开 (Intel Manual虽有5000+页但还是冰山一角),只要researcher还得将CPU们当作一个个“可信”的黑盒,那这个领域就还有很多安全问题值得探究 :)

在选”Software-based Microarchitecture Attacks”作为PhD的研究方向之后,我花了很长时间才真正入门(读Manual,读各个小方向的paper,复现,and 被老板和同事们带xD)。这一方面是因为这些过于底层的细节确实晦涩,二是中文互联网上有用的信息较少。本文打算尽可能简短地(我很懒)概括我读过的一些paper,做一点小小的贡献。

PS: 以防各位天才们通过side channel分析出我/我们组正在under review / TODO 的ideas,相关的paper可能会被跳过。

[14 USENIX] FLUSH+RELOAD: a High Resolution, Low Noise, L3 Cache Side-Channel Attack

经典side channel,理解modern CPU的Cache Architecture的好机会。Attacker需要有跟victim的shared memory。Attacker用clflush指令flush一个cache line,等待,再timing一次这个address的memory access,通过这个时间差异(cache hit/miss)来判断victime有没有在waiting period access the cache line。

[15 S&P] Prime+Probe: Last-Level Cache Side-Channel Attacks are Practical

跟F+R相比,P+P不需要shared memory,不需要clflush指令,用在cloud env里更方便。相反它需要提前构建一个eviction set,access其中的所有address来把目标cacheline“挤”出去。但构建eviction set,需要理解如何计算phys addr => cache index & cache slice。

[16 DIMVA] Flush+Flush: A Fast and Stealthy Cache Attack


[15 USENIX] Cache Template Attacks: Automating Attacks on Inclusive Last-Level Caches

教你如何将上述三种side channels用于实践。去复现。

[16 USENIX] DRAMA: Exploiting DRAM Addressing for Cross-CPU Attacks

不仅cache有hit/miss,DRAM的shared across processors的row buffer也有hit/miss。本文presents了一个很快的covert channel,还给了一个逆向dram arch的工具。读完还能理解下rowhammer。 【去读。(1) Open Source! (2) 我乐于找机会给老板涨citation】

[17 USENIX] Prime+Abort: A Timer-Free High-Precision L3 Cache Attack using Intel TSX

相比于P+P,P+A依赖于Intel的TSX,可以理解成blockchain里的transaction。当victim event发生后,transaction abort,不然就commit。这样可以不依赖timer。但TSX这个功能因为安全性问题太多已经被Intel弃用。

[19 S&P] Meltdown: Reading Kernel Memory from User Space

Meltdown & Spectre之前大家对于side channel还只是停留在break cryptography,transient execution attacks之后开启了一个新研究纪元。 因CPU的out-of-order execution特性,指令会被乱序执行,依序retired(commit, visible)。 当访问inaccessible的memory时,CPU需要去检查权限(读页表等等)。这一步骤对于CPU来说很慢,所以CPU会假设它能够读到这个value,并以此接着执行,当权限结果返回时(报错),所有状态回滚,user没法architecturally看见不可访问的数据(registers/memory…),但这个traces会留在microarchitecture(e.g., cache)里。 Attacker可以用side channel作为building block将这个值泄漏出来。作者们把这类攻击叫做transient execution attack。【去读。(1) nb! (2) 我乐于找机会给老板涨citation】

[18 USENIX] Spectre Attacks: Exploiting Speculative Execution

相比于out-of-order execution, Spectre attack speculative execution。例如当CPU遇到in/direct branch,确定判断条件这个步骤很慢,CPU需要预测一个branch来执行(根据一些microarchitectural elements)。所以Spectre需要找到特定的gadget, 在错误预测分支后,leak secret,revert,再用side channel 读出secret。【去读。(1) nb! (2) 我乐于找机会给老板涨citation】

[19 USENIX] A Systematic Evaluation of Transient Execution Attacks and Defenses

标题总结完了。各种variants和defenses。有个mind map https://transient.fail/ 【去读/复现。(1) open source! (2) 我乐于找机会给老板涨citation】

MDS的众多paper暂且跳过(懒)。可查 https://mdsattacks.com/

[19 S&P] Attack Directories, Not Caches:Side-Channel Attacks in a Non-Inclusive World

Intel的server CPU还有AMD的CPU一般用的是non-inclusive L3 cache,这样有些cache attacks没有办法简单地port过来。作者逆向了一个directory的结构,成功在non-inclusive caches实现了cache attacks。 Solid work.

[21 USENIX] Osiris: Automated Discovery of Microarchitectural Side Channels

找新的side channel是个枯燥的工作,一般需要researcher读很多手册,做实验测试,很麻烦。Osiris是一个fuzzing-based的框架,自动地找x86 instruction里的timing side channel。 【去读/复现。(1) 很好复现!really good work! (2) 都xx鸽们.jpg】

[21 CCS] Prime+Scope: Overcoming the Observer Effect for High-Precision Cache Contention Attacks

P+P每次都得access一长串addrs怎么办?P+S可以把它简化到每次reset只需要access一个地址。作者还开源了一个工具来自动寻找这样的prime pattern (for P+P & P+S)。结果。 Novel work!

[21 USENIX] Lord of the Ring(s): Side Channel Attacks on the CPU On-Chip Ring Interconnect Are Practical

L3 cache 是multi-processors共享的,可以把它们看成一个环。作者present了一种由ring之间contention引起的timing-based side channel。

[22 USENIX]Don’t Mesh Around: Side-Channel Attacks and Mitigations on Mesh Interconnects

Contention-based attacks on the on-chip mesh interconnect used in server-class Intel processors.

[22 S&P] Adversarial Prefetch: New Cross-Core Cache Side Channel Attacks

Prefetch instructions 也可以用来做side channel attacks。文中还分析了各种prefetch指令与cache coherence state之间的关系。

[22 USENIX] AMD Prefetch Attacks through Power and Time

Prefetch instructions 可以用来infer TLB state,Timing和Power上都有差距。

[22 USENIX] Rapid Prototyping for Microarchitectural Attacks

一个很好的框架/库来实施各种各样的microarchitectural attacks。


Trusted Execution Attacks拥有一个更强大的threat model —— 攻击者可以是hypervisor。意味着攻击者可以执行privileged code。

[17 SysTEX] SGX-Step: A Practical Attack Framework for Precise Enclave Execution Control

Interrupt-based的一个框架,通过一个合适的APIC interval根据攻击场景实现zero-step或single-step。这篇主要是介绍了下框架。

[18 CCS] Nemesis: Studying Microarchitectural Timing Leaks in Rudimentary CPU Interrupt Logic

SGX-Step的作者展示了如何用这个框架infer instruction-granular execution state (Observe the timing of step)。

[20 USENIX] COPYCAT: Controlled Instruction-Level Attacks on Enclaves

Nemesis加强版,结合page-level,能更大力度的infer control flow。

[21 USENIX] Frontal Attack: Leaking Control-Flow in SGX via the CPU Frontend

在Code Fetch的阶段,当相同的代码位于不同的offset时(mod 16bytes), single-step的latency可观测到不一样。

[22 USENIX] AEPIC Leak: Architecturally Leaking Uninitialized Data from the Microarchitecture

APIC是一个MMIO page,包含了众多registers。但目前有用(有记录)的只占其中一小部分。作者发现在Intel的新架构下,直接访问未记载的部分可以直接leak superqueue(一个L2和L3之间的buffer) 中的数据。

[19 CCS / 20 Asian HOST] VoltJockey: Breaching TrustZone by Software-Controlled Voltage Manipulation over Multi-core Frequencies

不同的指令对CPU所提供的电压需求不同,CPU有接口可以动态调整自己的电压/频率/能量消耗。作者调整电压,inject fault,还原AES/RSA密钥。第一次在Arm上,后Intel。

[20 S&P] Plundervolt: Software-based Fault Injection Attacks against Intel SGX

同上 attack Intel SGX。

[21 S&P] Platypus: Software-based Power Side-Channel Attacks on x86

CPU在当时可以从userspace读取power consumption,作者发现当CPU执行不同的指令,甚至相同指令处理不同操作数时,能量消耗不同。可以结合zero-step进行攻击。

[22 USENIX](Hertzbleed: Turning Power Side-Channel Attacks Into Remote Timing Attacks on x86)

作者发现Platypus Attack中指令对power consumption的影响,同样适用于CPU Frequency上。而且Frequency是userspace可读的。

[21 CCS]CrossLine: Breaking “Security-by-Crash” based Memory Isolation in AMD SEV

[21 Usenix]CipherLeaks: Breaking Constant-time Cryptography on AMD SEV via the Ciphertext Side Channel

[22 S&P]A Systematic Look at Ciphertext Side Channels on AMD SEV-SNP

[23 USENIX]Cipherfix: Mitigating Ciphertext Side-Channel Attacks in Software

SEV-Step A Single-Stepping Framework for AMD-SEV

[24 USENIX]CacheWarp: Software-based Fault Injection using Selective State Reset
